Christian Life Coaching For Men

              Helping men find identity and recover their heart in this crazy world we call home

The Journey of your life

begins with the first step

Your creator carefully planned your path in advance, and set you off on this grand adventure called life. He gave you the capacity to be a great warrior, a man of courage and honor; and offers you "life to the full" while here on this earth.

Is that your experience today; life to the fullest?
Do you feel like a courageous warrior

on a grand adventure?

Or do you feel more like what Henry David Thoreau wrote when he said,

"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with the song still in them."

If you do, you're not alone. In fact a recent statistic suggested that nearly 80% of men are dissatisfied with their lives. And of that, nearly 75% say they wouldn't know what to do different, even if given a chance. Author John Eldredge suggests that, "life for many feels like waking up one day in the middle of a movie. We don't have a clue what's going on. Does that feel familiar?"

But, there is hope!
Life was meant to be lived differently.
Working with a Life Coach can help you sort it all out.

The answers to your confusion, and frustrations,

and bewilderment lie within reach.
As your coach, my role, and goal is to journey with you on a quest of discovery and healing.

Orison Marden, founder of Success Magazine, once wrote;

"Every earnest person hears a call from his own soul; the voice that calls him is within." 

Coaching helps you pursue that calling inward and offers a platform from which you can navigate the uncharted waters of your soul.

Working with a Life Coach is a life changing experience. Your life perspectives will be altered. Barriers and strongholds to progress will be removed. And you will establish a clear vision for who you are and where you want to be in life.

We listen to you;

to your dreams, your desires, and your passions.

We ask questions, offer observations, and support you in developing a strategy that will help you recover what has been lost, discover what is possible, and turn your dreams into reality. 


For more information:

or text Coach Greg 540.433.0360

Greg is part of the Wild At Heart Ministry Allies, Christian life coach,

mental health coach, a certified pastoral counselor, and AACC member